Our Managers have more than 20 years of expirence.

Storage Auctions

Storage Auctions In Lodi, CA

On occasion we hold self storage auctions when a unit becomes delinquent for an extended time period of time.

Past auctions

Date of Auction Time Units Auctioneer
January 28, 2025 09:00am 8 Forrest O'Brien

    Auction Frequently Asked Questions

  • What type of deposit is required?

    We require a cash deposit for each auctioned unit. Price is depending on the size of the unit.

  • I am running late. Can you hold the auction start time?

    Auctions start at the start time, no exceptions.

  • I won an auction. How long do I have to clean out the unit?

    We do not charge a deposit fee, but we do charge a small administratioClean out times are stated before the auction starts. Clean out time depends on the size of the unit.